Board Approves SCSD ESSER Budget
On December 14th, the South Conejos School District Board of Education approved the ESSER III budget for how to spend federal pandemic response funds. The district used community feedback to develop the budget for using American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief fund dollars, under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. The proposed budget will be submitted to the Colorado Department of Education (CDE) for review. The CDE will determine which expenditures are considered allowable.
If expenses are approved, the CDE will reimburse SCSD for the funds. SCSD does NOT have the funds in hand, as of December 2021.
Approval of SCSD's budget by the CDE is not contingent upon its decision regarding response to COVID-19, including decisions about masks, testing or vaccinations.
Staff created the budget using internal and external feedback from parents, students, staff members and community partners, as shared through a survey, a direct email address for input, virtual forums and feedback sessions.
No outside agency made decisions or was directly involved in the budget-planning process. SCSD leadership used community feedback to craft the final budget that will be submitted to the CDE.
Once approved, SCSD will receive about $1.06 million in ARP ESSER funds in the 2022-2024 school years for the safe operation of schools and to address the impact of the pandemic on students.
Past COVID funding used for safety, student learning and social and emotional support
Throughout the pandemic, SCSD has prioritized its use of federal dollars for health and safety, continuation of operations, learning loss, and social and emotional/mental health supports.
Examples of Past Spending:
Covid Supplies: Personal protective equipment, such as masks, shields, gowns, and gloves; sprayers and cleaning supplies; water bottle-filling stations; hand sanitizer; and equipment to facilitate social distancing (6-foot floor markers, plexiglass dividers, etc.
Remote Learning Technology: Laptops, internet hotspots and services, headsets, webcams, keyboards, mics
Summer Learning Loss: Summer school both virtual and in-person
Salaries: SCSD Virtual Staff, COVID Coordinators, Nurse