Take a look at this month's edition of The Rabbit Newsletter!
about 7 hours ago, Victoria Lopez
Message Corner Can you believe that we already had to spring the clocks forward? Now it will be darker later, wind will start blowing even more, and spring break is only a week away. Just wanted to pass along a friendly reminder about driving safely in our school zones. Recently I have seen and have received complaints about vehicles pulling into Centauri High School and Middle School campuses that are driving too fast. Please remember that in the parking lots, there is going to be pedestrian traffic. If you are driving too fast you may not be able to stop in time before something bad happens and someone is hit. Slow down, eyes forward and phone down. Thanks!! I also want to thank our schools, staff, students, and communities for the great support and thanks that our School Resource Officer Unit has been receiving lately. Deputy Lujan and I have a great time with our kids and want to help them in any way possible. We will always strive to build positive relationships. We truly love what we do! Great kids, doing great things!!  Reading my newsletter may get you lunch on me! My last newsletter asked: Who was the commander of Fort Garland from 1866–1867, and why did he resign his commission? Ava Jarvies of Sanford HS and Samuel Chavez of Centauri MS both gave me the correct answer. Kit Carson was the commander and he had to leave due to health reasons. Thanks for reading my newsletter kids and keep on reading!!  William, Jared and Josh from Sanford HS put together a project for FCCLA about drugs, addiction and recovery. They interviewed me and Deputy Lujan about the problem of drugs in our communities. We helped arrange a speaker to come. Paul Reed spoke to the students about overcoming adversity. His wife Kimberly and he started Hope in the Valley for rehabilitation services. Thank you, Paul and Kimberly, for speaking to our kids and for what you do!!
South Conejos held a first responder safety event learning from each on what they do. They were able to see Eagle Air Med land, walk through the ambulance, check out the fire truck, and my patrol truck. I even got some treasured note cards from a lot of them. I love my kids!!!  Teen dating violence and healthy relationships Is this you or do you know someone that has a relationship like this? These things listed are not and never should be a part of a loving and healthy relationship. If you need help and are being controlled or abused, please reach out.
STATE BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT BOUND!!!!  Congratulations to the boys’ and girls’ teams from Centauri and Sanford for placing first in their regional tournament. State bound this coming weekend for a chance at the title. Leave it all on the court Falcons and Mustangs and bring home the CHAMPIONSHIP!!!
The South Conejos School Board of Education will conduct a Regular Meeting on the 11th day of March 2025 at 6:00 PM. The meeting will be held in the Secondary Flex area.
2 days ago, Victoria Lopez
South Conejos School District RE-10 Board of Education Regular Meeting March 11, 2025 South Conejos School Secondary Flex Area 6:00 PM Mission Statement: South Conejos School District will provide students with a strong educational foundation to become lifelong learners and responsible citizens. Students and staff will feel welcomed, safe, and supported. A. Call to Order/Roll Call/Quorum/Read Mission Statement B. Pledge of Allegiance C. Citizen’s Comments – Limit 3 Minutes Per Person D. Approval of Agenda E. Approval of Consent Agenda 1. Approval of Minutes – February 18, 2025 2. Reports a. Financial Report – Jamie Sandoval b. Cafeteria Report – Victoria Lopez c. Maintenance Report – Nichole Archuleta d. Technology Report – Weldon Colbert e. Transportation Report – Joshua Lopez f. Principal Report – Josephine Montoya F. Reports 1. BOCES – Kristie Duran 2. Superintendent Report – Mr. Joshua G. Lopez G. Discussion and Action Items 1. District Calendar 2. Staffing/Renewals 3. Policies a. AC-R-2 – Harassment and Discrimination Investigation - 2nd Reading b. EJ – Therapy Dogs – 2nd Reading c. ECAF – Use of Video Surveillance – 2nd Reading d. EEAEF – Video Cameras on Transportation Vehicles – 2nd Reading e. ILBC – Early Literacy and Reading Comprehension – 2nd Reading f. ILBC-R – Early Literacy and Reading Comp. Regs. – 2nd Reading
4. Purchase Orders 5. Overnight Trip a. AMHC Committee b. Senior Trip H. Executive Session Executive Session to obtain legal advice regarding specific legal matters and potential litigation as authorized by C.R.S. 24-6-402(4)(b); and to discuss personnel matters as authorized pursuant to C.R.S. 24-6-402(4)(f); and also to discuss real property matters as authorized by C.R.S. 24-6-402(4)(a). I. Next Regular Board Meeting April 22, 2025 @ 6 p.m. Discussion Items: Master Schedule Sign Diplomas J. Adjournment
The La Veta Middle School Wrestling tournament today, March 8, 2025, is cancelled due to the weather conditions. Stay warm and be safe.
3 days ago, Joshua Lopez
Congratulations to our amazing Sangre De Cristo Acequia Art Contest winners! Your creativity and talent truly shine, and we’re excited that your achievements will be recognized on Saturday, March 8th, at Centennial School District in San Luis. Keep up the great work!" Kindergarten: 1st Place - Dustin Pacheco 2nd Place - Chevelle Gonzales 3rd Place - Storm Jaramillo Talamantez First Grade: 2nd Place - Silviana Quintana-Acosta Third Grade: 1st Place - Jasiri Quintana-Acosta 6th Grade: 3rd Place - Kaitlynn Hudson 8th Grade: 3rd Place - Madison Gray
3 days ago, Victoria Lopez
Congreso de Acequias: March 8, 2025. 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. Centennial School in San Luis
Shoutout to our middle school wrestling team for their hard work and determination at the Monte Vista Tournament today! Every athlete gave it their all, and we’re proud to announce that five of our wrestlers placed in the top five of their brackets! Great job, team! Adrik Abeyta - 1st Place Jaylah Ruybal - 1st Place Laycee Maez - 3rd Place Ethan Martinez - 4th Place Alexis Olivas - 5th Place
3 days ago, Victoria Lopez
Photo: Alexis Olivas Winner
Photo: Alexis Olivas
Photo: Middle School Wrestling Team
Photo: Laycee Maez 3rd Place
Photo: Champions Jaylah Ruybal and Adrik Abeyta
Photo: Adrik Abeyta
Photo: Amir Abeyta
Photo: Ethan Gray
Photo: Hagen Bradley
Photo: Ethan Martinez
The South Conejos School Board District Advisory Committee will meet on the 10th day of March 2025 at 5 PM. The meeting will be held in the district conference room.
3 days ago, Victoria Lopez
District Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda: March 10, 2025 @ 5:00 pm. 5:00-5:15 District Calendar Feedback, 5:15-5:45 pm Athletic Handbook Feedback,
5:45-6:00 pm MOY Report, 6:00-6:05 Schedule next DAC Meeting - Adjourn
📚 Happy Reading Across America Week! 📚 Ms. Danisha's amazing middle school Crew spent some time this week connecting with Mrs. Brenda's fantastic 2nd graders, and it was a total success! Our middle schoolers had a grand time helping foster a love of reading in our younger students, and the 2nd graders absolutely LOVED listening to stories! So much fun and learning happening across grade levels. As Dr. Seuss said, "The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go!" Let's all keep reading and exploring new worlds! ✨ #ReadingAcrossAmerica #DrSeuss #Literacy #MiddleSchool #ElementarySchool #Community #LoveOfReading #ReadingIsFun
4 days ago, Danisha Martinez
La Veta Middle School Wrestling Invite: March 8, 2025
5 days ago, Victoria Lopez
2025 La Veta Junior High Wrestling Invitational Date: March 8th When: 9:00a.m.- Where: La Veta Jr/Sr High School                200 E. Stadium Dr                La Veta Co. 81055  ** We will use TrackWrestling for this tournament**    We will run 8-man, or round robin brackets. Breaks will only be taken if needed. Awards : Medals given to the top 4 in each bracket Concessions will be available throughout the day
Monte Vista Middle School Wrestling Invite: March 7, 2025
5 days ago, Victoria Lopez
Middle School Wrestling Tournament Attention Athletic Directors and Wrestling Coaches: Monte Vista Middle School is hosting a Middle School Wrestling Tournament on Friday, March 7th, 2025 at Monte Vista High School. Admission: Adults-$5, Students/Seniors-$3; Concessions will be available. Weight Classes: 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 105, 110, 115, 120, 125, 130, 135, 140, 145, 152, 160, 171, 198, and HWT. Girls’ Weight Classes: 90, 100, 105, 110, 125, 130 (Girls’ Weight
This week in Trojan Athletics...
5 days ago, Victoria Lopez
Friday 3/7 MS Wrestling @ Monte Vista 9 am, Saturday 3/8 MS Wrestling @ La Veta 9 am
The basketball season has come to an end for our Trojan teams, and while the outcomes weren’t what we hoped for, we couldn’t be prouder of their effort and determination. The Trojan Ladies fought hard but fell short with a 31-25 loss to the Moffat Cowboys. Similarly, the Trojan Boys battled until the very end, but they were narrowly defeated 26-25 by the South Park Burros. Both teams gave it their all, staying within striking distance of their opponents and showing true heart on the court. Though we didn't get the wins, the resilience and spirit they displayed all season long will be remembered.
8 days ago, Victoria Lopez
Photo: Trojan Ladies Final Game
Photo: Trojan Men Final Game
SOUTH CONEJOS SCHOOL DISTRICT is now accepting applications for the following ANTICIPATED TEACHING POSITIONS for the 25-26 school year: ELEMENTARY TEACHER, and SECONDARY MATH TEACHER. Applicants must possess a Colorado Teaching License or be eligible to apply for one. Salary schedules are available on the district website. Please submit a district application, resume, cover letter, and transcripts at https://www.southconejos.com/page/how-to-apply.
11 days ago, Victoria Lopez
Trojan Athletics Update...
13 days ago, Victoria Lopez
Wednesday 2/26 HS Girls Basketball @ Home vs. Lake City, Friday 2/28 HS Boys Basketball @ Monte Vista vs. TBD, Friday 2/28 MS Wrestling @ Sierra Grande 9:00 AM
Sierra Grande MS Wrestling Tournament Information February 28, 2025.
14 days ago, Victoria Lopez
Sierra Grande MS Wrestling Tournament 2025 Attention Athletic Directors and Wrestling Coaches: Sierra Grande Middle School is hosting a Middle School Wrestling Tournament on Friday, February 28, 2025 at Sierra Grande.   Admission: Adults-$5, Students/Seniors-$3; Concessions will be available.  Coaches meeting: 8:00 a.m.; Wrestling: 9:00 a.m. We will run two mats.  Weight Classes: 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 105, 110, 115, 120, 125, 130, 135, 140, 145, 152, 160, 171, 198, and HWT.   Girls’ Weight Classes: 90, 100, 105, 110, 125, 130 (Girls’ Weight Classes May be Adjusted or Added if Needed During Coaches Meeting)
This week in Trojan Athletics... Updates will be given as the HS Basketball Brackets are updated.
14 days ago, Victoria Lopez
This Week in Trojan Athletics: Monday 2/24 - HS Boys Basketball @ Trinidad 5:30 pm - Tuesday 2/25 HS Girls Basketball @ Crested Butte 5:00 pm - Friday 2/28 MS Wrestling Tournament @ Sierra Grande 9 am
Join us in cheering on our basketball teams for their final week! The Boys play tomorrow at Trinidad at 5:30, and the Girls face Crested Butte on Tuesday (time TBA). Please note that bracket dates could change depending on other schools’ schedules. Wish our teams good luck!
15 days ago, South Conejos
girls bracket
boys bracket
The South Conejos School Board of Education will conduct a Special Meeting on the 25th day of February 2025, following the 6:00 PM Work Session. The meeting will be held in the Secondary Flex area.
17 days ago, Victoria Lopez
South Conejos School District RE-10 Board of Education Special Meeting February 25, 2025 South Conejos School Secondary Flex Area Following 6:00 Work Session Mission Statement: South Conejos School District will provide students with a strong educational foundation to become lifelong learners and responsible citizens. Students and staff will feel welcomed, safe, and supported. A. Call to Order/Roll Call/Quorum/Read Mission Statement B. Pledge of Allegiance C. Citizen's Comments - Limit 3 Minutes Per Person D. Approval of Agenda E. A roval of Consent A enda No Consent Agenda F. Re orts No Reports G. Discussion and Action Items 1. Overnight Trips 2. Staffing 3. Policies a. CBI - Superintendent Evaluation - 2nd Reading b. CBI-R - Superintendent Evaluation Regulations - 2nd Reading c. LBD - Relations with District Charters - 2nd Reading d. LBD-R - Relations with District Charters Regs. - 2nd Reading 4. Superintendent Evaluation/Contract H. Executive Session Executive Session pursuant to C.R.S 24-6-402(4)(f) for a personnel matter regarding the Superintendent Evaluation. I. Next Re ular Board Meetin March 11 , 2025 6 .m. J. Ad"ournment
The South Conejos School Board of Education will conduct a Work Session on the 25th day of February 2025, at 6:00 PM. The meeting will be held in the SCSD Conference Room.
17 days ago, Victoria Lopez
South Conejos School District RE-10 Board of Education Public Notice Work Session February 25, 2025, at 6:00 p.m. South Conejos School District Conference Room Mission Statement: South Conejos School District will provide students with a strong educational foundation to become lifelong learners and responsible citizens. Students and staff will feel welcomed, safe, and supported. A. Superintendent Evaluation
Gunnison Wrestling Invite February 22, 2025
18 days ago, Joshua Lopez
The Mustang Invitational Wrestling Tournament February 22, 2025 Gunnison High School, Gunnison, CO 81230 The Gunnison Middle School Invitational Wrestling Tournament will be on Saturday, February 22, 2025 and is open to 6th, 7th, 8th grade boys and girls. We would like your team to participate. We would like to run both girls and boys brackets. If not enough girls enter, they will compete in regular brackets. Place: Gunnison High School Competition and Auxiliary Gymnasiums, 800 W. Ohio Avenue. Turn North on Highway 50 on 11th street (PieZans Pizza). It is three blocks north of Highway 50. ----------------------------------------------------- 7:30 am Check in begins at Gunnison High School 8:00 am Coaches Meeting 9:00 am Wrestling starts Sessions: We plan on running two sessions with a half-hour break between sessions on 4 mats --------------------------------------------------- WEIGH-IN POLICY: each coach or AD will weigh their wrestlers at the practice the night before our tournament. Seeding will be done by record/past performances and since this is one of the earlier tournaments, coaches recommendations. All entries will be done on TRACK WRESTLING electronically PRIOR to the Coaches meeting. If a wrestler does not make weight, he/she will not be allowed to move up unless there is an open spot on that bracket. Please bring rosters and weights for the check-in. Weight Classes: 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 105, 110, 115, 120, 125, 130, 135, 140, 145, 152, 160, 171, 198, HWT. ***NOTE: Each team is limited to two wrestlers per weight class and we will cap the tournament at 225 Wrestlers. Bouts: 1-1-1; consolation :30-1-1 -------------------------------------------------- Awards: Top 3 individual places and top 3 team places Outstanding Wrestler - upper and lower division weights Entry Fee: $150.00 per team. Tournament Admission Fees: Adult $8 Senior Citizen $4 Student $4 Family $20 -----------------------------------------------------
Concessions: A concession stand will be in operation during the tournament. Hospitality Room: Will be available for coaches and tournament help ======================================================================================================================================================================== GUNNISON MUSTANG WRESTLING INVITATIONAL
Go Trojans!
18 days ago, Joshua Lopez
  OMS Wrestling Invitational February 21, 2025  Site:     Ortega Middle School Gym              401 Victoria Ave, Alamosa CO, 81101 *Bus Parking will be available in the North Parking lot  Weight Classes: 70,75,80,85,90,95,100,105,110,115,120,125,130,135,140,  			145,152,160,171,198,HWT  Times:      	Coaches Meeting 8:30 am Wrestling Begins @ 9:00 or as soon as the meeting ends.   Awards: 	Gold, Silver, Bronze  -As well as Overall team plaque.