Dear Guardians and Parents, As we approach winter break, it's important to prioritize our students' mental health. Did you know that research shows students are at a higher risk of depression during winter months, with rates increasing by up to 30%? To help combat this, I encourage you and your children practice these mental health tips over break. I hope you all have a restful and wonderful break. I look forward to seeing everyone in 2025! Warm regards, Ms. Danisha Martinez
about 2 hours ago, Danisha Martinez
Trojan Nation, Courtesy of our School Resource Officer, Sergeant Noga, please be aware of this scam: *********************************************** Beware of the Brushing Scam! A recent scam has been appearing in many states as we draw nearer to Christmas. We have some unconfirmed reports that some Chaffee County residents have already fallen victim. A “brushing" scam is when someone receives an unexpected gift or item not ordered in the mail from a place like Amazon or another company. Gifts include rings, bracelets, necklaces, Bluetooth speakers, etc. The gift will have the recipient’s address but not include the sender's information or be from a known retailer. When the recipient opens the package to see what it is and possibly who sent it, there is a QR code to scan to find out who sent the gift. Once the code is scanned, all the information from that phone will be sent to scammers. They receive all access to the phone. All personal and financial information is accessible to the scammers, and often, the victim's bank accounts are drained. The gift can be kept or thrown away, but the QR code should NOT be scanned for any reason. QR code scams are nothing new. Inform your family members about the scam and avoid scanning any unknown QR codes included in the package. *************************************************
1 day ago, Joshua Lopez
Dear Guardians and Families, Join us tonight, December 16th, at 6 PM to celebrate our Winter Production, "How the Grinch Stole Christmas"! If your student is participating in the play, please remember to arrive at the time noted in the information that was sent home. We look forward to seeing you there!
2 days ago, Danisha Martinez
The South Conejos School Board District Advisory Committee will meet on the 18th day of December 2024, at 5 PM. The meeting will be held in the district conference room.
2 days ago, Maddie Mansheim
  2024-2025 District Accountability Committee (DAC) Agenda December 18, 2024, 5:00-6:00  Committee Members Attendance Roles Jennai Montoya, Business Owner & Parent Lily Mondragon, Parent Crystal Pacheco, Parent Karina Soto, Parent  Jessica Valdez, Teacher  Maddie Mansheim, School Leadership  Josh Lopez, District Leadership   Jennai Montoya  Lily Mondragon Crystal Pacheco Karina Soto Jessica Valdez Maddie Mansheim  Josh Lopez Chairperson: Lily Mondragon Co-Chair:  Secretary: Crystal Pacheco Timekeeper:      Time Topic/Presenter Topic Type Resources/Meeting Notes 5:00-5:20 Mid-Year UIP Review Maddie Mansheim, Principal Report   5:20-5:50 Student Handbook Feedback  Maddie Mansheim, Principal Josephine Montoya, Vice-Principal   Feedback     5:50 Set Date for Next DAC
5:50 Set Date for Next DAC
Trojan Winter Spirit Week! December 16th-19th
3 days ago, Danisha Martinez
Trojan Families, Today we briefly went into lockdown after the LifeSpot application that we use for safety sent off a false alert by mistake to multiple schools across the nation. All students and staff are safe and there was no threat to the school. We want to commend all our students and staff for the preparedness and how seriously they handled the situation. Thank you all for your support and understanding.
6 days ago, Maddie Mansheim
Good morning Trojan Crew! We are happy to share the latest edition of The Rabbit newsletter! Our School Resource Officer (SRO) Sgt. Noga's role goes beyond just keeping the campus safe. He has dedicated his time to building positive relationships, offering guidance, and contributing to a supportive environment where everyone can thrive. We thank Sgt. Noga, for being such an integral part of our community!
6 days ago, Victoria Lopez
New laws to take effect January 1, 2025  I want to pass along information on a couple of new laws that will take effect starting on January 1 that are important. The first one is a law dealing with cell phone use while driving. All drivers will no longer be able to hold or manually use any mobile or cellular device for calls or any other reason. This new law will now require the use of a hands-free device. One exception is the reporting of an emergency. This new law will carry a fine of $75 and two points against a driver’s license. Repeat offenders will see higher fines and additional points. For first-time violators, the ticket will be dismissed if proof is shown to the court that a hands-free device was purchased.  The second law deals with changes to the child restraint laws. Here is the breakdown: •	Booster seats: Children must now use a car seat or booster seat until they are 9 years old (previously under 8 years old). •	Rear-facing car seats: Children under 2 years old and weighing under 40 pounds must be restrained in a rear-facing car seat in the rear seat if available (previously under 1 year old and under 20 pounds). Children under 2 years old but weighing over 40 pounds may use either a rear-facing or forward-facing car seat. •	Seat belt or car seat requirement ages: Children under 18 years old must now be properly restrained in a seat belt or child restraint system (previously under 16 years old)   Thank you for using a hands-free device and for always having everyone in your vehicle buckled up!!
            BUSTED!!! This party had entered the main lobby of the Sheriff’s Department where she was caught green handed trying to steal presents! The Grinch was arrested and placed in a holding cell until she could see the judge. She was later released.	              	              	                      			   FINAL THOUGHTS FOR THE YEAR  As we close out 2024 and the first half of the school year, I want to thank our schools, students, parents, and community for the great support that they have given to the school resource officer unit for Conejos County Sheriff. I love your kids which I refer to as “my kids.” I will have some pretty exciting news in my January newsletter that I cannot wait to share with you.  For this holiday season, however you and your family celebrate it, remember the meaning behind it. Take this time to reflect on the past year. Look back on the good, and bad, things that may have happened. Don’t dwell on the negative. Instead thrive on the positive. If you are not sure about things, read my quote for this month. This can be a brand-new starting point. This time of year, can be hard. If you or someone you know needs help, please reach out to someone. Together we make the world brighter!!                                                                                  988 Crisis line. 			 Quote Corner  “Your present circumstances don't determine where you can go. They merely determine where you start.” ~ Nido Qubein   Thanks for taking the time to read my newsletter. If you see me, tell me the answer:  What is the depth of the Last Chance Mine in Creede, CO? 					 I want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Good Afternoon Trojan Families, Today, we conducted a lockdown drill as part of our ongoing commitment to keeping our students and staff safe. This was a planned drill, and there was no actual threat to the school. We are proud of how seriously students and staff approached this important practice. Lockdown drills help us prepare for emergencies and ensure that everyone knows how to respond appropriately. Thank you for your continued support in helping us maintain a safe and secure learning environment.
7 days ago, Maddie Mansheim
In an emergency take action
Trojan Winter Spirit Week! December 16th-19th
7 days ago, Danisha Martinez
Join Principal Mansheim & Vice-Principal Montoya for pastries & coffee December 12th from 10:00-11:00 am at the Dutch Mill learn about Expeditionary Learning. See student work, find out about upcoming school events, ask questions you have about curriculum & instruction.
8 days ago, Maddie Mansheim
Trojan Talks & Treats Join Principal Mansheim &  Vice-Principal Montoya for pastries & coffee December 12th from  10:00-11:00 am at the Dutch Mill Learn about Expeditionary Learning See student work Find out about upcoming school events  Ask questions you have about curriculum & instruction
Please come out to support your middle school boys' basketball team as they compete against Center tomorrow at 4:30 pm. Depending on the results from tomorrow's game, they will play on Friday, December 13th, at 8:00 am or 9:15 am in Sanford. Please look at the attached bracket for information. GO TROJANS!
9 days ago, Victoria Lopez
MS Boys Basketball Bracket
The South Conejos School Board of Education will conduct a Regular Board Meeting on the 10th day of December 2024, at 6 PM. The meeting will be held in the Secondary Flex area.
12 days ago, Victoria Lopez
South Conejos School District RE-10 Board of Education Regular Meeting December 10, 2024 South Conejos School Secondary Flex Area 6:00 PM  Mission Statement: South Conejos School District will provide students with a strong educational foundation to become lifelong learners and responsible citizens. Students and staff will feel welcomed, safe, and supported.  A.	Call to Order/Roll Call/Quorum/Read Mission Statement B.	Pledge of Allegiance C.	Citizen’s Comments – Limit 3 Minutes Per Person D.	Approval of Agenda E.	Approval of Consent Agenda 1.	Approval of Minutes – November 19th  2.	Reports  a.	Financial Report – Jamie Sandoval b.	Cafeteria Report – Victoria Lopez c.	Transportation Report – Victoria Lopez & Joshua Lopez d.	Technology Report – Weldon Colbert e.	AD Report – Madison Mansheim f.	Principal Report – Madison Mansheim 3.  Policies in Review a.	JFABD – 2nd Reading b.	JFABD-R – 2nd Reading c.	JICA – Student Dress Code – 2nd Reading d.	JIH – Student Interviews, Interrogations – 2nd Reading e.	GBJ – Personne Records and Files – 2nd Reading f.	JF – Admission and Denial of Admission – 2nd Reading g.	KDE – Crisis Management – 2nd Reading h.	IKFB – Graduation Exercises – 2nd Reading i.	IKF – Graduation Requirements – 2nd Reading j.	IKF-2 – Graduation Guidelines – 2nd Reading k.	CBI – Superintendent Evaluation – 1st Reading l.	CBI-R – Superintendent Evaluation Regulations – 1st Reading m.	JICDE* - Bully Prevention and Education – 1st Reading n.	JICDE*-2 – Bully Investigation Form – 1st Reading o.	JICDD – Violent and Aggressive Behavior – 1st Reading p.	JLCE – First Aid and Emergency Medical Care – 1st Reading
q.	GBA – Open Hiring/Equal Employment Opportunity – Introduction r.	GCE/GCF – Staff Recruiting – Introduction s.	JB – Equal Employment Opportunity – Introduction t.	AC-R-2 – Introduction u.	LBD – Relations with District Charters – Introduction v.	LBD-R – Relations with District Charters Regs. Introduction  F.	Reports 1.	BOCES – Kristie Duran 2.	Superintendent Report – Mr. Joshua G. Lopez  G.	Discussion and Action Items 1.	Mill Levy 2.	Staffing 3.	Policies  a.	JFABD – 2nd Reading b.	JFABD-R – 2nd Reading c.	JICA – Student Dress Code – 2nd Reading d.	JIH – Student Interviews, Interrogations – 2nd Reading e.	GBJ – Personne Records and Files – 2nd Reading f.	JF – Admission and Denial of Admission – 2nd Reading g.	KDE – Crisis Management – 2nd Reading h.	IKFB – Graduation Exercises – 2nd Reading i.	IKF – Graduation Requirements – 2nd Reading j.	IKF-2 – Graduation Guidelines – 2nd Reading 4.	Purchase Orders 5.	Tractor 6.	Athletic Overnight Trips 7.	Board Yearly Calendar 8.	Superintendent Contract Ammendment  H.	Executive Session No Executive Session  I.	Next Regular Board Meeting December 10, 2024 @ 6 p.m.  Upcoming Events: National Honor Society Induction – December 17, 2024 @ 6 p.m. CASB Day at the Capitol – February 6, 2025  Discussion Items:
Budget  J.	Adjournment
Experience the Magic of Winter Holidays at South Conejos School District's Literacy Night! We cordially invite you to join us on December 5th from 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM for an enchanting evening . This year, we’re taking our guests on a global journey to explore how various countries celebrate winter holidays—all from the warmth of our school! This event is designed to be engaging and age-appropriate for our PreK-6th grade students. We truly welcomes everyone. Families, students, staff, and community members of all ages are encouraged to come together for an evening filled with fun activities and exploration. Join us for this wonderful opportunity to connect, learn, and celebrate the spirit of the season. Let’s make lasting memories as we navigate through the joyous festivities of winter holidays across the globe! We can’t wait to see you there!
14 days ago, Stephanie Kreps
Public Notice of Gathering: One or more members of the South Conejos Board of Education will be attending the Colorado Association of School Board's Annual Convention on December 5-7, 2024. The purpose of this event is for board members to engage in professional learning, it is not to conduct public business of the local district or engage in formal action. While notice is not required pursuant to C.R.S. 24-6-402, the Board believes in transparency and, therefore, is providing this information regarding the event.
14 days ago, Victoria Lopez
One or more members of the South Conejos Board of Education will be attending the Colorado Association of School Board's Annual Convention on December 5-7, 2024. The purpose of this event is for board members to engage in professional learning, it is not to conduct public business of the local district or engage in formal action. While notice is not required pursuant to C.R.S. 24-6-402, the Board believes in transparency and, therefore, is providing this information regarding the event.
15 days ago, Zyra Guyon
🎉🎈 A huge shoutout to Mrs. Brenda's second-grade class for their amazing balloons! 🎈🎉 Their Macy Day Parade around the school was such a fun experience, and everyone loved it! Happy holidays to everyone! Wishing you safe travels, and we can’t wait to see all of you after the break! 🎄✨
27 days ago, Danisha Martinez
SOUTH CONEJOS SCHOOL DISTRICT is seeking Early Childhood Substitutes for the 24-25 school year. Applicants must possess an Early Childhood Professional Credential 3.0 Level 1 through the Colorado Shines Professional Development Information System and a preferred Teacher Assistant Certificate. Salary schedules are available on the district website. Please submit a district application, resume, cover letter, and transcripts at
27 days ago, Victoria Lopez
Dear Wonderful Cooks, On behalf of all the students and staff, we want to extend our heartfelt gratitude for the incredible Thanksgiving meal you provided today. Your dedication and hard work do not go unnoticed; you always go above and beyond to ensure our tummies are full and our spirits are lifted. We truly appreciate everything you do for us, and we love you all! Thank you for making this Thanksgiving special for our entire school community. With warmest regards, Students and staff at SCSD
28 days ago, Danisha Martinez
Experience the Magic of Winter Holidays at South Conejos School District's Literacy Night! We cordially invite you to join us on December 5th from 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM for an enchanting evening at South Conejos School District's Literacy Night. This year, we’re taking our guests on a global journey to explore how various countries celebrate winter holidays—all from the warmth of our school! This immersive event is designed to be engaging and age-appropriate for our PreK-6th grade students, but it truly welcomes everyone. Families, students, staff, and community members of all ages are encouraged to come together for an evening filled with fun activities and literary exploration. Prepare to expand your horizons as we discover the rich and diverse traditions of winter celebrations around the world. From festive tales to interactive stations, there will be something delightful for everyone. Join us for this wonderful opportunity to connect, learn, and celebrate the spirit of the season. Let’s make lasting memories as we navigate through the joyous festivities of winter holidays across the globe! We can’t wait to see you there!
29 days ago, Zyra Guyon
Literacy Night