The South Conejos School Board of Education will conduct a Regular Board Meeting on the 20th day of August 2024, at 6 PM. The meeting will be held in the Secondary Flex area.
4 months ago, Victoria Lopez
South Conejos School District RE-10 Board of Education Regular Meeting August 20, 2024 South Conejos School Secondary Flex Area 6:00 PM  Mission Statement: South Conejos School District will provide students with a strong educational foundation to become lifelong learners and responsible citizens. Students and staff will feel welcomed, safe, and supported.  A.	Call to Order/Roll Call/Quorum/Read Mission Statement B.	Pledge of Allegiance C.	Citizen’s Comments – Limit 3 Minutes Per Person D.	Approval of Agenda E.	Approval of Consent Agenda 1.	Approval of Minutes – June 18th, 24th, & August 6th  2.	Reports  a.	Financial Report – Jamie Sandoval b.	Technology Report – Weldon Colbert c.	Transportation Report – Eric O’Brien d.	AD Report – Blane Trant e.	Principal Report – Mrs. Mansheim 3.  Policies in Review a.	EEA – Student Transportation – 1st Reading b.	BCA-E-1 – Code of Ethics for Board Members – 1st Reading c.	BE – School Board Meetings – 1st Reading d.	JEB – Introduction  F.	Reports 1.	BOCES – Kristie Duran 2.	Superintendent Report – Mr. Joshua G. Lopez  G.	Discussion and Action Items 1. CHSAA Member Resolution  2. Staffing  3. Purchase Orders  4. Policies
a.	IJOA – Field Trips – 2nd Reading  b.	JJH – Student Travel – 2nd Reading  c.	ACA – Name Changes – Emergency Adoption 5. DAC Membership  6. Old School   H.	Executive Session No Executive Session   I.	Next Regular Board Meeting September 17, 2024 @ 6 p.m. Upcoming Events: Board Academy – September 7th CASB Annual Convention – Dec 5th-7th   Discussion Items: CMAS/PARCC/PSAT/SAT Safe Schools Report Set Superintendent Evaluation Plan  J.	Adjournment
Click the links below to get your fall sports Trojan gear! Stores close on 8/28. Football Cross Country Volleyball Cheer
4 months ago, Blane Trant
Trojan Families, Our SECURE status has been lifted. We are now operating as normal.
4 months ago, Joshua Lopez
Good morning Trojan Families, South Conejos School District is increasing our security to SECURE. This is just a precaution based on information from our Sheriff’s office. What does it mean when we go SECURE? Everyone is required to stay inside our buildings, and we lock all outside doors. We increase our situational awareness and do business as usual. We have attached our security procedures that we follow on our Facebook page and our website if you would like to familiarize yourself with our procedures. We will update parents and guardians if anything should change. All students and staff are accounted for and safe.
4 months ago, Joshua Lopez
SECURE “Get Inside. lock outside doors” Students are trained to: • Return to inside of building • Do business as usualAdults and staff are trained to: • Bring everyone indoors • Lock the outside doors • Increase situational awareness • Account for students and adults • Do business as usual. SECURE “Get Inside. lock outside doors” Secure is called when there is something dangerous outside of the building. Students and staff are brought into the building and the outside doors will be locked. The schoolmight display the Building is Secured poster on entry doors or nearby windows. Inside, it will be business as usual. SHoUld PARENTS CoME To THE SCHool dURING A SECURE EVENT? Probably not. Every effort is made to conduct classes as normal during a secure event. Additionally, parents may be asked to stay outside during a Secure event. WHAT IF PARENTS NEEd To PICK UP THEIR STUdENT? Depending on the situation, it may not be safe to release the student. As the situation evolves, Secure might change to a Monitored Entry and/or Controlled Release. WIll PARENTS bE NoTIFIEd WHEN A SCHool GoES INTo SECURE? When a secure event is brief or the hazard is non-violent, like a wild animal on the playground, there may not be a need to notify parents while the Secure is in place. With longer or more dangerous events, the school should notify parents that the school has increased their security.
SECURE “Get Inside. lock outside doors” Students are trained to: • Return to inside of building • Do business as usualAdults and staff are trained to: • Bring everyone indoors • Lock the outside doors • Increase situational awareness • Account for students and adults • Do business as usual. SECURE “Get Inside. lock outside doors” Secure is called when there is something dangerous outside of the building. Students and staff are brought into the building and the outside doors will be locked. The schoolmight display the Building is Secured poster on entry doors or nearby windows. Inside, it will be business as usual. SHoUld PARENTS CoME To THE SCHool dURING A SECURE EVENT? Probably not. Every effort is made to conduct classes as normal during a secure event. Additionally, parents may be asked to stay outside during a Secure event. WHAT IF PARENTS NEEd To PICK UP THEIR STUdENT? Depending on the situation, it may not be safe to release the student. As the situation evolves, Secure might change to a Monitored Entry and/or Controlled Release. WIll PARENTS bE NoTIFIEd WHEN A SCHool GoES INTo SECURE? When a secure event is brief or the hazard is non-violent, like a wild animal on the playground, there may not be a need to notify parents while the Secure is in place. With longer or more dangerous events, the school should notify parents that the school has increased their security.
rutinariaSECURE! (Lockout) (¡PROTEJAN!)Vayan adentro. Echen llave a las puertas exteriores. Se capacita a los/las estudiantes en losiguiente: • Regresar adentro •Continuar con la actividad rutinaria Se capacita a las personas adultas en lo siguiente: • Llevar a todas las personas adentro • Echar llave a las puertas exteriores • Mantener la alerta sobre lo que ocurre en su entorno • Contar a los estudiantes y a los adultos • Continuar con la actividad rutinaria.  SECURE (PROTEJAN) “Vayan adentro. Echen llave a las puertas exteriores” La orden de proteger se acciona SCHOOL IS SECURED cuando pasa algo peligroso fuera del edificio. Los/las estudiantes y el personal irán adentro del edifico y se echará la llave a las puertas exteriores. Es posible que la escuela muestre un cartel que indique que el edificio está bajo protección (Building is Secured) en las puertas de entrada MONITORED ENTRY AND CONTROLLED RELEASE ESCUELA BAJO PROTECCIÓN ENTRADA VIGILADA Y SALIDA CONTROLADA oen las ventanas cercanas a la © Copyright 2009-2020, All Rights Reserved. The “I Love U Guys” Foundation. Conifer, CO. The Standard Response Protocol and Logo are Trademarks of The “I Love U Guys” Foundation and may be registered in certain j04/16ictions. This material may be duplicated for distribution per “SRP Terms ofUse”. SRP TxSSC Secure Monitored Door Poster_EN-SP | V 3.0 | Revised: 05/30/2020 misma. Dentro, se continuará con la actividad rutinaria. ¿Deberían los padres/madres ir a la escuela cuando ocurra una situación de protección? Probablemente no. Durante una situación de protección se hará todo lo posible para seguir con las clases de forma normal. Además, es posible que se pida a los padres/ madres que se queden fuera durante una situación de protección. ¿Qué pasa si los padres/madres tienen que ir a buscar a sus hijos/as? Según la situación, es posible que dejar salir a los estudiantes suponga un riesgo. Si las circunstancias evolucionan, podría cambiarse la orden de situación de protección a entrada vigilada o salida controlada. ¿Se notificará a los padres/madres cuando se active una situación de protección? Cuando la situación de protección sea breve o el riesgo de carácter no violento, como por ejemplo un animal silvestre en el patio de recreo, es posible que no sea necesario notificar a los padres/madres mientras la situación de protección se mantenga activada. En caso de situaciones de mayor duración o peligro, es posible que la escuela haga saber a los padres/madres de familia que se han incrementado las medidas de seguridad..
rutinariaSECURE! (Lockout) (¡PROTEJAN!)Vayan adentro. Echen llave a las puertas exteriores. Se capacita a los/las estudiantes en losiguiente: • Regresar adentro •Continuar con la actividad rutinaria Se capacita a las personas adultas en lo siguiente: • Llevar a todas las personas adentro • Echar llave a las puertas exteriores • Mantener la alerta sobre lo que ocurre en su entorno • Contar a los estudiantes y a los adultos • Continuar con la actividad rutinaria.  SECURE (PROTEJAN) “Vayan adentro. Echen llave a las puertas exteriores” La orden de proteger se acciona SCHOOL IS SECURED cuando pasa algo peligroso fuera del edificio. Los/las estudiantes y el personal irán adentro del edifico y se echará la llave a las puertas exteriores. Es posible que la escuela muestre un cartel que indique que el edificio está bajo protección (Building is Secured) en las puertas de entrada MONITORED ENTRY AND CONTROLLED RELEASE ESCUELA BAJO PROTECCIÓN ENTRADA VIGILADA Y SALIDA CONTROLADA oen las ventanas cercanas a la © Copyright 2009-2020, All Rights Reserved. The “I Love U Guys” Foundation. Conifer, CO. The Standard Response Protocol and Logo are Trademarks of The “I Love U Guys” Foundation and may be registered in certain j04/16ictions. This material may be duplicated for distribution per “SRP Terms ofUse”. SRP TxSSC Secure Monitored Door Poster_EN-SP | V 3.0 | Revised: 05/30/2020 misma. Dentro, se continuará con la actividad rutinaria. ¿Deberían los padres/madres ir a la escuela cuando ocurra una situación de protección? Probablemente no. Durante una situación de protección se hará todo lo posible para seguir con las clases de forma normal. Además, es posible que se pida a los padres/ madres que se queden fuera durante una situación de protección. ¿Qué pasa si los padres/madres tienen que ir a buscar a sus hijos/as? Según la situación, es posible que dejar salir a los estudiantes suponga un riesgo. Si las circunstancias evolucionan, podría cambiarse la orden de situación de protección a entrada vigilada o salida controlada. ¿Se notificará a los padres/madres cuando se active una situación de protección? Cuando la situación de protección sea breve o el riesgo de carácter no violento, como por ejemplo un animal silvestre en el patio de recreo, es posible que no sea necesario notificar a los padres/madres mientras la situación de protección se mantenga activada. En caso de situaciones de mayor duración o peligro, es posible que la escuela haga saber a los padres/madres de familia que se han incrementado las medidas de seguridad..
Good Evening Trojan Crew, This is Principal Mansheim excited to welcome back everyone for the 2024-2025 school year! Please note that school for middle school and high school students starts on Monday, August 12th. Elementary school students will begin on Wednesday, August 14th. Additionally, we invite all families to join us for Family Night on Tuesday, August 13th, from 5:00 to 7:00 PM. It's a great opportunity to meet teachers, staff, and other families, send a positive message to your student for the year, and support your local cheerleaders with a frito pie fundraiser. We look forward to seeing you all soon and kicking off a fantastic year together.
5 months ago, Maddie Mansheim 13 August, 2024 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Our 2024 - 2025 Trojan CREW W e l c o m e s y o u South Conejos Auxillary Gym Come meet teachers, staff, student representatives from school clubs. There will be a raffle that includes fun activities. Basket includes: Domino Set, Crossword Set, Melty Bead, Catch Phrase, Tumbler, Pineapple Headphones, Jenga, Bluetooth Wireless Speaker, Drawing Book, & Self- Love for Kids book
Good Evening Trojan Families, Our school front offices will be closed tomorrow and Thursday for staff professional development.
5 months ago, Maddie Mansheim
Congratulations to Rylan Trant on his selection to the CDCCA all-state baseball team!
5 months ago, Blane Trant
Rylan Trant All State
The South Conejos School Board of Education will conduct a Special Board Meeting on the 6th day of August 2024 following the 5:30 p.m. work session. The meeting will be held in the Secondary Flex area
5 months ago, Victoria Lopez
South Conejos School District RE-10 Board of Education Special Meeting August 6, 2024 Following Work Session South Conejos School District Flex Area   Mission Statement: South Conejos School District will provide students with a strong educational foundation to become lifelong learners and responsible citizens. Students and staff will feel welcomed, safe, and supported.  A.	Call to Order/Roll Call/Quorum/Read Mission Statement B.	Pledge of Allegiance C.	Citizen’s Comments – Limit 3 minutes  D.	Approval of Agenda E.	Approval of Consent Agenda 1.	Approval of Minutes – None 2.	Reports – None  F.	Reports    No Reports  G.	Discussion and Action Items 1.	Board Appointment 2.	Staffing 3.	Old School 4.	Handbooks a.	Student b.	Athletic 5.	Purchase Orders H.	Executive Session No Executive Session 14, 2023 @ 6 pm I.	Adjournment
The South Conejos School Board of Education will conduct a Work Session on the 6th day of August 2024, at 5:30 PM. The meeting will be held in the Secondary Flex area
5 months ago, Victoria Lopez
South Conejos School District RE-10 Board of Education Public Notice Work Session August 6, 2024, @ 5:30 p.m.  South Conejos School District    Mission Statement: South Conejos School District will provide students with a strong educational foundation to become lifelong learners and responsible citizens. Students and staff will feel welcomed, safe, and supported.  A.	Interviews for Board Vacancy B.	Handbook Review C.	Old School D.	PO Review E.	Staff Review
Middle schoolers and high schoolers want to get your lockers and schedules? Come Monday & Tuesday to meet Miss Zyra & Danisha!
5 months ago, Maddie Mansheim
Trojan families, please take a couple of minutes to fill out this quick questionnaire from our school resource officer, Sgt. R.L. Noga. Your participation is greatly appreciated!
5 months ago, Victoria Lopez
Hello Trojan Athletes, Sports physicals will be on Tuesday August 6th from 5:00 to 7:00 PM. The physicals will be done free of charge, by Dr. Clint Sowards and Brian Jackson PA-C. Parents will need to join their athlete(s) to fill out paperwork. Please bear with us, as we all know both providers are volunteering their services after they are finished with their job at the clinic. Paper work will be provided.
5 months ago, Stephanie Kreps
Say “hello” to two-way messaging and classroom announcements in the ACGC Public School app! With the addition of Rooms, our district app keeps getting better. Parents/guardians check your email with instructions to sign up and access new features.
5 months ago, South Conejos
Rooms info graphic
Correction to yesterday's robocall: PK-12 registration will be JULY 29th & 30th not in June (Mrs. Mansheim has summer vacation brain too 😎) Please also see the school supply lists available on our website and Facebook page.
5 months ago, Maddie Mansheim
Preschool through 2nd grade supply list
3rd grade through 5th grade supply list
Middle school and high school supply list
Trojan Community, The school year is quickly approaching and we cannot wait to welcome back our students! Preschool through 12th grade registration will be July 29th and 30th from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm at the district building. For new students, families please bring a copy of your student's birth certificate and for students transferring from out of state a copy of your student's immunization record. On the 29th, there will also be free school supplies from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm so bring your backpack and fill it up! Middle school and high school students will be able to pick up their schedules on August 5th and 6th from Miss Zyra and Miss Danisha.
5 months ago, Maddie Mansheim
Back to school registration July 29th & 30th
Free School Supplies July 29th
Say “hello” to two-way messaging in the ACGC Public School app! The same district app now offers class streams, class announcements, and parent-teacher chat. Look for your personalized invitation to begin using this feature in our app after July 29th. Download for Android Download for iPhone
5 months ago, South Conejos
Rooms info graphic
Trojan Nation, Has the thought ever crossed your mind about becoming a teacher? Are you passionate about our youth? Now would be the best time to take advantage of some financial assistance through grants and scholarships if this is a career path you would like to pursue. Attend a workshop and learn the various CDE pathways to obtain your teaching degree/certification. Please see the attached flyer for more information on how you can become a teacher.
5 months ago, Joshua Lopez
Interested in becoming a teacher?  Inviting paraprofessionals and community members to attend local meetings where you can learn about the pathways to teaching.  Attend a workshop and learn the various CDE pathways to obtain your teaching degree/certification.  Learn about financial assistance through grants and scholarships.  Take professional development mini session on classroom engagement and how to work in small groups with children. 3 hours of PD credit available.  Attend a workshop.  Can't attend? Contact for more information.
Congratulations to Darius!
6 months ago, Blane Trant
Congratulations Baseball All State Darius Cisneros Gomez
The South Conejos School Board of Education will conduct a Work Session on the 24th day of June 2024, following the 6 p.m. Special Meeting.. The Work Session will be held in the Secondary Flex area
6 months ago, Victoria Lopez
The South Conejos School Board of Education will conduct a Special Board Meeting on the 24th day of June 2024, at 6 PM. The meeting will be held in the Secondary Flex area
6 months ago, Victoria Lopez